All learning areas at Northcote Primary School provide opportunities for students to play a key role in providing input and feedback on their learning. We have spent time researching and trialling different ways of collecting feedback from students. This involves using a range of strategies including ‘thumbs up/thumbs down’, traffic light system (Green – I can do this, Orange I am getting there, Red – I need help), exit slips etc. These strategies provide students with a voice, as well as an opportunity to reflect on their own learning.
At various points throughout the year, we undertake different student perception surveys, for instance the Departments Attitude to School Survey and Pivot. This allows us to capture the thoughts, perceptions, issues, and areas for improvement from the students as vital stakeholders in the learning taking place at school.
We support students to take more agency, responsibility, and ownership of their own learning using learning intentions and success criteria. Teachers work closely with students to set learning goals and monitor their individual progress towards these learning goals as a powerful learning tool. The culmination of this is the celebration of a learning conference with students, parents and teachers.
We value and promote leadership activities that are meaningful and that carry a level of responsibility for students. Foundation to Year 6 student representatives are elected by their peers to the Junior School Council (JSC) and meet fortnightly. The JSC is a powerful voice for the students at Northcote Primary School. The JSC members represent their classrooms, organise school-based fundraising events and consider issues that concern or that are important to students at school.