Our modern, open classrooms and flexible learning spaces allow for a student-centred environment, where collaboration is key. Students can work in a variety of spaces one-on-one, in small groups or as a whole class, as well as with different groups of their peers. As classroom teachers work closely with the other teachers in their year level, students have opportunities to work with a wide range of teachers and students across the year – not just students in their immediate homeroom. Students can directly observe teachers working together, modelling deep, critical, and creative thinking strategies, and demonstrating professional collaboration through various team-teaching models and approaches.
Collaboration is not just a learning tool in the classroom for students. We recognise that students learn more when their teachers work together. Teaching staff at Northcote are all members of a Professional Learning Community (PLC) where they collectively focus on individual student learning. Our teachers work together within their year level teaching teams, as well as across levels, to support every student and their needs. Teachers share accountability for maximising student learning through continually evaluating and refining their practice. Dedicated time and space is allocated for teachers to collect data and evidence, discuss student growth and achievement, and to plan differentiated lessons and responsive teaching strategies that cater for their cohort of students.
Teachers use the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO) Improvement Cycle to continuously monitor and evaluate the impact of their teaching, as a review of the curriculum and content and the effectiveness of teaching strategies to make the necessary adjustments for individual student engagement and ongoing student learning.
Student Reporting
As per Department policy, Northcote Primary School will provide two written reports to parents/guardians each year directly against the Victorian Curriculum F-6 Achievement Standards.
Semester reports will be uploaded to Compass at the end of Term 2 and Term 4 for parents/carers. These reports will show students’ academic achievement and progress against the Victorian Curriculum in the different learning areas and capabilities that have been part of the teaching and learning program for that semester.
Every year level will report against all strands of English and Mathematics each semester. A two-year cycle has been developed that aligns with our Inquiry units for the reporting of all other areas of the curriculum.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
We work in partnership with parents regarding their children’s learning and wellbeing progress and how we can best support this.
At Northcote PS we schedule two formal rounds of parent teacher conferences each year.
Early Term 1 – An opportunity for parents and teachers to develop a partnership and learn more about the child through discussion.
Late Term 2 or early Term 3 – Review the child’s progress, achievements, and future learning goals.
Of course, these are not the only times you might communicate with your child’s teachers – this may also occur outside the formal reporting structure when required.