The Northcote Primary School Library is a hub for students to really develop a love for books. Students are encouraged to regularly use the library as a resource for browsing, borrowing and of course, for reading. Students are encouraged to borrow books of interest that they can read by themselves, books that can be read to them and books to be shared with others.
The library is staffed by the most beautiful library technician three days a week, who tends to our collection of books and ensures that we have the latest release as soon as it comes out. We are fortunate to have a very well-resourced library with a huge variety of picture story books, novels, popular series and graphic novels. Our library is also home to a diverse mix of fiction and non-fiction texts to appeal to the wide range of student interests here at Northcote.
Classes are scheduled into the library each week with their teacher and these sessions are used for research in connection with their learning programme, or just as a space where quality literature can be enjoyed whilst nestled on top of a cosy cushion.
The library is open at lunch times as a lunch club for students to browse and read, or to use as a calm and quiet space to relax and enjoy. The library also becomes a focal point at various times throughout the year and celebrates student literacy with Book Week, the occasional Book Fair, or the Premiers Reading Challenge.
Books can be found everywhere at our school, and on top of the library collection, we are lucky to have extensive classroom libraries that allow students to have books at their fingertips in the classrooms.