Parent Information

Home and school are two of the most important places in students' lives. A good connection between these two places is a key factor in helping children get the most from their education and an integral part of our school.

At Northcote Primary School, communication is paramount to ensure all members of the school community are informed and up to date with all aspects and components of school life. Communication is a shared responsibility and promotes connection to the school and a sense of belonging to the community.


At Northcote, the Compass School Management System is the primary means of communicating important information between home and school. Through Compass, parents can access student reports and learning updates, manage attendance, access news feeds, school events calendar and school policies and communicate with teachers and the school.

Compass Pay + Consent

Gone are the days of sending the kids to school with cash in an envelope and a signed permission slip! At Northcote, we use Compass Pay to send out push notifications to families that enables you to pay for excursions and confirm medical requirements all through the Compass app.

Cash, EFT, and B-pay will remain available as options, but the preferred method is Compass Pay.

Notes will be sent through Compass to provide families with details of specific school/year level programs and activities including camps, excursions, and incursions. Please note, these are available as hard copies upon request.

Parent Payment Arrangements

Under the Department of Education and Training’s Parent Payments Policy, Victorian government schools are required to provide transparent information to their school community on voluntary parent/carer contributions.

Our Parent Payment Policy outlines our expectations in regard to the financial payments requested of families in order to enable Northcote Primary School to maximise student learning outcomes. These expectations align directly with the Victorian Department of Education and Training. You can find this on our policies page.

As always, you can also contact the school directly for more information.

Attendance and Absences

Daily school attendance is important for all children to succeed in education and to ensure they do not fall behind both socially and developmentally. School helps children to develop important skills, knowledge and values that set them up for further learning and participation in their community. School helps them to make the most of life opportunities.

Research has found that the rate of absenteeism in schools has a significant impact on student learning. This is particularly so if a high absence rate (11 days or more) is repeated each year.

Reporting an absence
The Department of Education and Training require all student absences to be reported to the school for each day of the absence. To assist us in managing this, please report a student absence in one of four ways: 

  1. In person at the office
  2. Using Compass
  3. Calling the school on (03) 9481 0009

If a parent/carer does not contact the school to provide an explanation on the day of their child’s absence, the school must attempt to contact the parent/carer of the student as soon as practicable. If the parent/carer cannot be reached, the school will attempt to contact your child's emergency contact/s.

Late arrivals
You can advise the office for lateness via Compass or telephone (03) 9481 0009. Please ensure when dropping off/picking up your child you sign your child in/out at the office via Compass.

Extended holidays
If your child is going to be away for a longer period, please provide your child’s classroom teacher and office with a note outlining the dates and reason for absence.



The school publishes a fortnightly community newsletter. These are sent out as a push notification through Compass, and include information on school events, classroom and specialist learning, important dates and classroom celebrations.

Subscribe to the Newsletter

You may also view the current and previous editions of the newsletter here.

Forms and Resources

Key Dates and Times

2024 School Term Dates 

Term 1
Tuesday 30th of January 2024 - Thursday 28th of March 2024

Term 2 
Monday 15th of April 2024 - Friday 28th of June 2024

Term 3
Monday 15th of July 2024 - Friday 20th of September 2024

Term 4
Monday 7th of October 2024 - Friday 20th of December 2024

Curriculum Days 2024

Monday 29th January - Pupil free day
Friday 8th March - Pupil free day
Tuesday 11th June - Pupil free day
Friday 23rd August - Staff Professional Practice Day - Pupil free day
Monday 4th November - Pupil free day

School Timetable

The school operates from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm. On the last day of each term, the children are dismissed at 2.30 pm. Any changes in school times will be announced in the newsletter or a special note.

The school grounds are supervised by teachers before school from 8.45 am, and after school until 3.45 pm.

Whole School Assembly

Whole school assemblies are held on Monday mornings/ Whole school assemblies are a chance to celebrate student and school achievements, reminders about important notices, Pupil of the Week’ awards, class presentations, sport and music items are often featured. All parents and carers are welcome to attend.

Throughout the year, other whole school events include a bi-annual Italian Day, Book Day, a bi-annual production and various other events and celebrations.

Lunch Orders

Classroom Cuisine

We all want to provide nutritious, well balanced, tasty food for our children’s lunches, but finding the time and inspiration to shop and prepare food is not always easy.

Classroom Cuisine is an Online alternative to the traditional and disappearing 'tuck-shop', offering a convenient, user friendly service, creating, preparing, packing and delivering high quality School Lunches at the most affordable price.

Lunch Packs cost between $8.75and $10.70 for a 2 Course lunch and between $10.45 and $12.40 for a 3 Course lunch.

The cost of the Lunch Pack is determined by the Main Meal (Item 1) choice you make.

There are 3 Main Course price categories, each is priced to reflect the ‘substance’ of the Main Course item you choose with consideration to;

Click the link below to view the most recent menu, a box will pop up with the Category/Lunch Pack Price of the item, as well as details about portion size, ingredients, dietary & packaging info.

Classroom Cuisine

Order online up until 8.30am on the day the lunch is required.

Northcote Primary School Northcote Primary School

Before and After School Care


OSHClub is the provider of Before School Care, After School Care, and Holiday Programs at Northcote Primary School. 

They are all about creating happy memories for your little ones. Their programs are designed so that every child, no matter their age, skill level, or interests, feels included and has fun.

They offer a diverse range of experiences before school, after school, and during the school holidays. They focus on building knowledge, skills, and behaviours that help prepare your child for a world yet to be imagined.

You can be confident that your child is in safe hands with their highly experienced and passionate educators. Whether your child attends OSHClub daily or casually, each visit is an exciting new adventure with yummy food, exciting clubs, activities, mindfulness, incursions/excursions during school holidays, and so much more!

Enrolling is easy, get in contact via one of the following options:

Customer Service Team: 1300 395 735

They look forward to welcoming you and your family to OSHClub.

Instrumental and Music Lessons

The Instrumental Music Program is run by experienced music teachers who offer high quality, private music lessons, combining an enjoyable learning environment with developing a strong musical foundation. Students learn essential skills such as reading music, listening in a group context, music theory, repertoire development and performance.

Children can learn a variety of instruments – guitar, drums and piano – in either individual or group lessons. Lessons run from 12:30pm, across lunch hour in the OSHClub building and after school in the NPS music room. Students will also have the opportunity to perform at concerts twice a year in the NPS assembly hall.

Contact: Jordie Gilmour
Ph: 0406307832
NPS Instrumental Music Program Enrolment Form


We are pleased to announce that our school has introduced an optional uniform for our students. This new initiative aims to promote a sense of unity and school pride while offering flexibility to our families. The uniform features comfortable and practical designs suitable for all activities throughout the school day. For more information on the uniform options and how to purchase them, please visit the website for Noone, our uniform supplier, or contact the school office.

Noone- Ivanhoe East Store
283 Lower Heidelberg Road
East Ivanhoe VIC 3079

Phone: 03 9499 1439
Fax: 03 9499 8466

Visit Noone

Trading Hours
Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
Saturday 9.00am – 1.00pm
Sunday and Public Holidays CLOSED

Kelly Sports- Sport and Dance

For the love of sports!

This popular after-school sports program operates at Northcote Primary School each term and offers a range of seasonal sports activities for students in Grades 1 - 3.

The Kelly Sports program allows children to experience energetic and highly active multi-sport sessions which will challenge and improve their motor and coordination skills. The experienced coaches aim to develop and enhance the wide range of sporting skills of your child including kicking, catching & throwing while also improving strength, flexibility, hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness, co-operative skills, and teamwork.

The Kelly Sports dance programme is designed to get your child movin’ and groovin’ whilst learning a new routine with a performance for friends and family held in the last class of the term. New steps are taught each week, accompanied with dancing games and stretches. This programme is designed to improve fitness, coordination, balance and dance moves all in an enjoyable group environment, listening to funky tunes!

Check out the routine on our Kelly Sports Inner Northern & Strathmore YouTube channel and book early for this incredibly fun program!

Parents can find out more information or pay fees via the Kelly Sports website.